Transition Time
After a few weeks of moving money and airplanes and matching schedules, I started actually flying my new Super Viking today. It’s a big jump from my Archer to a high performance, complex aircraft with a full complement of quirks as well. I’ve been reading and preparing as much as possible, but shaking hands with 300 horses for the first time is pretty exciting no matter how you slice it.
The first day went as well as I could reasonably have expected. I wasn’t an instant natural, and my flight instructor kept me from serious trouble more than once. He and I seem to be developing a reasonable rapport. We’re both figuring out how the other works best. I’m getting a lot out of his Viking experience and teaching skills. We both recognize it’s a big hill to climb and I think we’re up to the challenge.
I’m still feeling the Viking out, but so far it’s been a great plane. It has plenty of unique characteristics. The good ones are very good, and the bad ones – so far – are mostly just endearing. I’m very happy with my choice to join the Bellanca family.
Speaking of the Bellanca family, another member popped up and introduced himself today. A fellow at SMO saw the unfamiliar Viking on the ramp and came over to talk. Since I’ve gotten involved with Bellanca owners that’s happened more than in all the years I’ve been flying the Archer. It’s fun and exciting to join the “cult.”
Tomorrow is another day of trying to claw my way from being far behind the Viking to getting ahead of it. I’m looking forward to the challenge.